Hatomo Battles The Yomi Demons Yet Again

Do you remember "Hatomo Battles the Yomi Demons", the Doom 2 map set released in 2007 by Pablo Dictter and me? If not...well...we made a sequel anyway.

Welcome to Yomi 2, or "Hatomo Battles The Yomi Demons Yet Again"! Enjoy 17 new maps for Doom 2 (15 regular maps + 2 secret levels) with Music Composed By Damian Lee (Lexus Alyus) and Pablo Dictter. The project has been designed for any ZDoom compatible port (Zdoom 2.8.1 or higher). It's actually a mix of Boom and ZDoom (Hexen format) maps.

For screenshots and the download, head on over to my Doom 2 maps page. Have fun!


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